About us

Connecting Canadians to
pain research

Who we are

About Pain Connect

Welcome to Pain Connect, a platform designed to bring together researchers, policymakers, and knowledge mobilizers with people living with pain.

Hosted by the Chronic Pain Network, our goal is to make sure the voices and experiences of people with pain are included in research and decision-making.

At Pain Connect, we believe that the people who know the most about living with pain are those who experience it every day.

By partnering with researchers, policymakers, and knowledge mobilizers, individuals with lived experience can help shape research studies and contribute to projects that impact the way pain is understood and treated in Canada.

About the Chronic Pain Network

The Chronic Pain Network is one of five chronic disease networks funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR).

Our mission is "Changing the way pain is managed in Canada." We do this by bringing together patients, researchers, healthcare professionals, educators, industry, and government policy advisors to drive new research, train professionals, and ensure that research leads to real-world changes in care.

Launched in 2016 as a national collaboration, we’ve worked hard to make sure that the voices of people living with pain are included in every part of the research process. In 2022, we received additional funding to focus on turning this research into action, ensuring that new knowledge and discoveries are put into practice to improve the lives of those living with pain.